Beginners routine

lifting weightsIn the WorkoutManager™ system you have to choose between power, mass or shape before saving or printing out your workout schedule. In this way you can work out the correct number of repetitions per set for each period of 3 to 4 weeks.

After finishing a period, you set your next goal for the subsequent period on the basis of the beginner’s schedule (mass, power or shape).



chest, barbell bench presses


We recommend the following schedule to beginners:

Period. Duration. Goal. Means. Method.
First period 3-4 weeks shape 8-12 repetitions PR
Second period 3-4 weeks mass 6-8 repetitions PR
Third period 1 week of rest rest rest rest
Fourth period 3-4 weeks power 4-6 repetitions PR

PR = progressive resistance frequency of weight lifting

chest, flat dumbbell presses

After a cycle of 10 to 13 weeks, you start all over again. With the data noted in your log-book (in other words, make sure to save all your training printouts!) you can compare the new cycle with the previous one. The end weights of a previous power, mass or shape period are the starting weights for a new power, mass or shape period.

For example: let us assume that at the end of a ‘power’ period (4 to 6 repetitions) you are able to lift 10 kg dumbbells doing a biceps curl. The starting weight for the next period of 4 to 6 repetitions will then be 10 kg dumbbells. After having slowly increased the weight over 4 weeks’ time, you can imagine that you will have reached a weight of 14 kg dumbbells doing this same biceps curl. This will then be your starting weight for the next power period, which in fact starts 7 weeks later. From this example it follows that it is possible to work through 4 periods of 13 weeks each per year.

In this way your fitness goals can be achieved in the fastest possible way!
Well thought out assistance from 3 standard workouts. 

By adding 3 standard workout types to the Workout manager the beginner is enabled to train all 9 muscle-groups every week. We recommend these standard workouts, which are built up as follows:

Day 1 (for example on Monday): 
Muscle-group 1, chest;
Muscle-group 2, triceps;
Muscle-group 3, abdomen.

Day 2 (for example on Wednesday): 
Muscle-group 1, thighs;
Muscle-group 2, hamstrings;
Muscle-group 3, calves.

Day 3 (for example on Friday): 
Muscle-group 1, the back;
Muscle-group 2, shoulders;
Muscle-group 3, biceps;
Muscle-group 4, abdomen.

chest, flat dumbbell flyes

Feel free to change the exercises, but do not change the muscle-groups and especially do not change their sequence. The sequence has been determined on the basis of the criterion that large muscle-groups come before small muscle-groups. In other words, the sequence is important. The sequence from day 1 through day 3 is also most logical.

This weekly sequence gives all muscles enough rest to enable you to directly or indirectly train them again later during the week. We therefore recommend that this sequence be adhered to as well. It is important for beginners (2 to 6 months of training) to know that 2 different exercises for one muscle-group are more than enough for each workout.

After a period of 4 to 6 months you may be considered to have reached an intermediate level and do up to 3 exercises for each muscle-group.

Beginners should therefore not fill out the last exercises of the standard workouts, but leave them blank!

Advanced bodybuilders will find that the Workout manager is flexible and comprehensive enough to meet their personal requirements and preferences. Countless combinations are possible with the selected exercises and it is possible to put together a workout schedule with as much as 12 exercise sets for each muscle-group. The selected exercises will always form ‘constructive’ and serious workouts.

borst, incline dumbbell presses

Author: Tobias van der Avort

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Disclaimer: is all about general bodybuilding and weight training information. This is not medical advice and should not be implemented as such. You must not use the information on as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or another professional health care provider.

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